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眼膜贴去眼袋祛除黑眼圈淡化细纹紧致补水缓解疲劳抚平鱼尾纹正品Eye mask stickers to remove eye bags, remove dark circles, dilute fine lines, tighten moisturizing, relieve fatigue and smooth crow's feet
Product description





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超值:眼膜贴8盒(40对80片) S$  58
特惠:眼膜贴5盒(25对50片) S$  54
折扣:眼膜贴3盒(15对30片) S$  48
体验:眼膜贴1盒(5对10片) S$  45

S$ 58

眼膜贴去眼袋祛除黑眼圈淡化细纹紧致补水缓解疲劳抚平鱼尾纹正品Eye mask stickers to remove eye bags, remove dark circles, dilute fine lines, tighten moisturizing, relieve fatigue and smooth crow's feet
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【眼膜贴】 x 8


Freight: S$ 0

Pay: S$ 58

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User notice

•·About shipping method
Full distribution range Singapore
•·About delivery time
After the order is successfully placed, we will arrange the goods according to the order of the order. The delivery period is about 3 working days, and the general arrival time is about 7 working days.
•·How to apply for a return
1.Return due to quality reasons: Send the mail to the after-sales service center within 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods.,The customer service will accept your request within 1-3 working days after receiving the mail.
•2.Return process:
Confirm receipt - apply for return - customer service review - user return goods - warehouse receipt inspection - return review - refund / exchange;Please specify the Waybill number,order number, name, phone number.。
•Please specify the Waybill number,order number, name, phone number.。
•·How to cancel the order
To cancel the order, you need to send an email to the after-sales service center and indicate the relevant reason. The content of the email should indicate your order number, name, and phone number.。